Mid-year check-in: SITE’s remaining 2022 schedule at-a-glance

Is it just us, or is 2022 absolutely flying by?

With many of us facing an influx of new team members, packed schedules, and the need to take some time off, too, we’ve packaged all of SITE’s current happenings in a single place for your easy reference.

The rest of 2022 will be just as busy, with plenty of ways for you to enjoy the benefits of your SITE membership — or get to know us better, if you’re not a member yet!

CONNECT in-person with SITE

We look forward to seeing many of our members and industry colleagues at this year’s SITE Young Leaders Conference (taking place October 9), SITE NITE North America (scheduled for the evening of October 10, right before IMEX America begins) and of course, at IMEX America itself in mid-October.

Registration for both the Young Leaders Conference and SITE NITE North America will open in late August. Watch your inboxes and SITE’s social media pages for up-to-the-minute event details.  

LEARN about new trends and get certified

We’ve got a stellar webinar line-up planned to finish out this year, featuring panelists and speakers ready to share new incentive data, food & beverage trends, digital strategies, and more. Save the date now for webinars on August 5 and August 19, with more dates confirmed for September–December.

For those looking to add industry credentials to their resume, CITP also returns from September 10-October 9, 2022, with a new remote proctoring format. Anyone interested in taking the CITP certification exam is asked to register their interest before August 7, 2022.

DISCOVER new destinations and leadership opportunities

We’ll be soaking in the early autumn sunshine and welcoming this year’s SITE Classic attendees in Boca Raton, Florida, from September 11-14.

Watch for destination highlights and key takeaways post-Classic, as well as more details about how anyone can be part of SITE Foundation’s flagship fundraiser (hint: it involves some incredible auction packages awaiting your bid…). 

SITE is also looking for your help to discover the best and brightest incentive professionals and programs. Applications are open until August 8 for the 2022 SITE Crystal Awards, with more information about the Awards and application process available here.

For anyone interested in a longer term leadership opportunity, six seats on SITE’s International Board of Directors are also opening this year. Discover how you can make a difference and elevate your volunteer leader role within SITE by applying for an IBOD role.

SHAPE the future of SITE

This July, SITE is undertaking its inaugural Member Needs Assessment. Open through July 26, this is one of the most immediate ways you can shape the future direction of SITE membership as a current SITE member.

As an added bonus, any members who complete the survey can opt into a drawing for one complimentary registration to SITE Global Conference in New York City this February.

Which brings us to our final opportunity — help shape our future 2023 Global Conference program by answering our call for Global Conference speakers. Speaker proposals are due September 1, 2022, so get busy submitting.

This is just a snapshot of the events and activities swirling around the SITE universe. Stay tuned for more announcements as we close out the remaining months of 2022, and look ahead to an even more exciting 50th-anniversary year in 2023!

Written by

SITE Staff


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